• mister.magoo (4/1/2013)

    Lynn Pettis (4/1/2013)

    Yea, but I think I'll stick with the FOR XML Version, the following was done against a database with 5147 tables in sys.tables:

    ---------- opc.three verison ----------

    Beginning execution loop

    CPU(ms): 73015 Logical Reads: 45463611 Elapsed(ms): 73495 Reads: 3790 Writes: 481191

    CPU(ms): 72468 Logical Reads: 45460066 Elapsed(ms): 73294 Reads: 3983 Writes: 483049

    CPU(ms): 73015 Logical Reads: 45458216 Elapsed(ms): 73864 Reads: 3886 Writes: 483049

    CPU(ms): 72453 Logical Reads: 45458185 Elapsed(ms): 73498 Reads: 4068 Writes: 483050

    CPU(ms): 72437 Logical Reads: 45461626 Elapsed(ms): 73262 Reads: 3731 Writes: 483049

    Batch execution completed 5 times.

    ---------- FOR XML PATH Version ----------

    Beginning execution loop

    CPU(ms): 187 Logical Reads: 79425 Elapsed(ms): 531 Reads: 3477 Writes: 1201

    CPU(ms): 187 Logical Reads: 79425 Elapsed(ms): 251 Reads: 3470 Writes: 1201

    CPU(ms): 203 Logical Reads: 79425 Elapsed(ms): 414 Reads: 3475 Writes: 1201

    CPU(ms): 219 Logical Reads: 79425 Elapsed(ms): 262 Reads: 3466 Writes: 1201

    CPU(ms): 172 Logical Reads: 79425 Elapsed(ms): 317 Reads: 3457 Writes: 1201

    Batch execution completed 5 times.

    Well those poor stats will be improved a bit by reversing the concatenation:

    SELECT @SQLCmd [highlight="#ffff11"]=[/highlight] N'EXEC sys.sp_rename ' + --

    '@objname = N''' + SCHEMA_NAME(tab.schema_id) + '.' + tab.name + ''', ' + --

    '@newname = N''' + tab.name + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 112) + ''', ' + --

    '@objtype = N''OBJECT'';' + -- OBJECT

    NCHAR(13) + NCHAR(10) [highlight="#ffff11"]+ @SQLCmd[/highlight]

    FROM sys.tables tab;

    I don't have a suitably large database to test on , but I am sure you will see some improvement if you test it that way...

    Test Harness:

    PRINT '---------- mister.magoo verison ----------';


    set nocount on;

    --===== Create the timer and bit-bucket variables and start the timer.

    DECLARE @Bitbucket sysname; --< change or add variables needed here to eliminate display distortion

    Declare @cpu_ int,

    @lreads_ bigint,

    @eMsec_ bigint,

    @Reads_ bigint,

    @Writes_ bigint;

    declare @CpuMs int,

    @LogRds bigint,

    @Elapsed bigint,

    @Reads bigint,

    @Writes bigint;

    dbcc freeproccache with no_infomsgs;

    dbcc freesystemcache('ALL') with no_infomsgs;

    dbcc dropcleanbuffers with no_infomsgs;


    @cpu_ = cpu_time

    , @lreads_ = logical_reads

    , @eMsec_ = total_elapsed_time

    , @Reads_ = reads

    , @Writes_ = writes




    session_id = @@spid;



    -- instead of using FOR XML just append the conjured string from each row to the same variable

    SELECT @SQLCmd = N'EXEC sys.sp_rename ' + --

    '@objname = N''' + SCHEMA_NAME(tab.schema_id) + '.' + tab.name + ''', ' + --

    '@newname = N''' + tab.name + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 112) + ''', ' + --

    '@objtype = N''OBJECT'';' + -- OBJECT

    NCHAR(13) + NCHAR(10) + @SQLCmd

    FROM sys.tables tab;



    @CpuMs = cpu_time - @cpu_

    , @LogRds = logical_reads - @lreads_

    , @Elapsed = total_elapsed_time - @eMsec_

    , @Reads = reads - @Reads_

    , @Writes = writes - @Writes_




    session_id = @@spid;

    --===== Display the duration

    PRINT 'CPU(ms): ' + right(' ' + cast(@CpuMs as varchar(10)),10) +

    ' Logical Reads: ' + right(' ' + cast(@LogRds as varchar(10)),10) +

    ' Elapsed(ms): ' + right(' ' + cast(@Elapsed as varchar(10)),10) +

    ' Reads: ' + right(' ' + cast(@Reads as varchar(10)),10) +

    ' Writes: ' + right(' ' + cast(@Writes as varchar(10)),10);

    set nocount off;

    GO 5

    set nocount on;

    PRINT '---------- FOR XML PATH Version ----------';


    --===== Create the timer and bit-bucket variables and start the timer.

    DECLARE @Bitbucket sysname; --< change or add variables needed here to eliminate display distortion

    Declare @cpu_ int,

    @lreads_ bigint,

    @eMsec_ bigint,

    @Reads_ bigint,

    @Writes_ bigint;

    declare @CpuMs int,

    @LogRds bigint,

    @Elapsed bigint,

    @Reads bigint,

    @Writes bigint;

    dbcc freeproccache with no_infomsgs;

    dbcc freesystemcache('ALL') with no_infomsgs;

    dbcc dropcleanbuffers with no_infomsgs;


    @cpu_ = cpu_time

    , @lreads_ = logical_reads

    , @eMsec_ = total_elapsed_time

    , @Reads_ = reads

    , @Writes_ = writes




    session_id = @@spid;


    declare @SQLCmd nvarchar(max);


    @SQLCmd = stuff((select char(13) + char(10) +

    'exec sp_rename @objname = N''' + schema_name(tab.schema_id) +

    '.' + tab.name + ''', @newname = N''' + schema_name(tab.schema_id) +

    '.' + tab.name + '_' + convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 112) + ''', @objtype = N''TABLE'''

    from sys.tables tab

    for xml path(''),TYPE).value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,2,'');



    @CpuMs = cpu_time - @cpu_

    , @LogRds = logical_reads - @lreads_

    , @Elapsed = total_elapsed_time - @eMsec_

    , @Reads = reads - @Reads_

    , @Writes = writes - @Writes_




    session_id = @@spid;

    --===== Display the duration

    PRINT 'CPU(ms): ' + right(' ' + cast(@CpuMs as varchar(10)),10) +

    ' Logical Reads: ' + right(' ' + cast(@LogRds as varchar(10)),10) +

    ' Elapsed(ms): ' + right(' ' + cast(@Elapsed as varchar(10)),10) +

    ' Reads: ' + right(' ' + cast(@Reads as varchar(10)),10) +

    ' Writes: ' + right(' ' + cast(@Writes as varchar(10)),10);

    set nocount off;

    GO 5


    ---------- mister.magoo verison ----------

    Beginning execution loop

    CPU(ms): 72125 Logical Reads: 45047659 Elapsed(ms): 72511 Reads: 4053 Writes: 483074

    CPU(ms): 72953 Logical Reads: 45048223 Elapsed(ms): 73248 Reads: 3830 Writes: 483074

    CPU(ms): 72781 Logical Reads: 45047945 Elapsed(ms): 73238 Reads: 3993 Writes: 483074

    CPU(ms): 72250 Logical Reads: 45049884 Elapsed(ms): 72838 Reads: 4254 Writes: 483075

    CPU(ms): 72312 Logical Reads: 45051235 Elapsed(ms): 72734 Reads: 3727 Writes: 483075

    Batch execution completed 5 times.

    ---------- FOR XML PATH Version ----------

    Beginning execution loop

    CPU(ms): 203 Logical Reads: 80643 Elapsed(ms): 381 Reads: 3464 Writes: 1238

    CPU(ms): 203 Logical Reads: 80641 Elapsed(ms): 271 Reads: 3464 Writes: 1240

    CPU(ms): 203 Logical Reads: 80639 Elapsed(ms): 267 Reads: 3464 Writes: 1238

    CPU(ms): 187 Logical Reads: 80637 Elapsed(ms): 275 Reads: 3464 Writes: 1240

    CPU(ms): 219 Logical Reads: 80637 Elapsed(ms): 269 Reads: 3464 Writes: 1240

    Batch execution completed 5 times.

    Is this what you expected?