• My bad =D

    Again, thanks for the help, all. 🙂

    FYI - Here's the final product, works well; just in case it can help someone else.

    declare @SQL nvarchar(max)

    select @SQL = 'declare @MyQuery nvarchar(max) =

    (select ''select count(*) as PropertyCount, '''''' + name + '''''' as DBName from '' + name + ''.sys.extended_properties union all ''

    from sys.databases

    where name not in (''master'', ''tempDB'', ''model'',''msdb'', ''ReportServer'', ''ReportServerTempDB'', ''rx'')

    for xml path(''''))

    set @MyQuery = ''select DBName from ('' + left(@MyQuery, len(@MyQuery) - 10) + '' )x where x.PropertyCount = 0 order by DBName''

    exec sp_executesql @MyQuery'

    execute (@SQL)