• My first ever post. Here are my 2 cents:

    1. Sotiris' article has some good acdemic interest.  But just as laperrej pointed out, we can't use anything like that in production because of performance issues.
    2. AKM's answer is not a bad one, for a large, busy system. I would actually push it futher: use a master stored procedure to call sub stored procedures. Yes, it would be lots of typing. But performance is always the key.
    3. Dynamic construct a query is not a bad idea. When you use EXEC sp_executesql @CMD, the plan is most likely cached and reused. Comparing with executing a wrong plan, the time consumed to generate a plan is neglectable
    4. If I am tasked to write such a query, I would do this:
    CREATE PROC usp_GetComstomers

    @CompY VARCHAR(100)='%',

    @ContY VARCHAR(100)='%',

    @CompN VARCHAR(100)='NoNothingNoneWhateverString',

    @ContN VARCHAR(100)='NoNothingNoneWhateverString'




    EXEC usp_GetComstomers '%','Germany','A%'

    EXEC usp_GetComstomers '%the%'



    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.Customers

    WHERE CompanyName LIKE @CompY

     AND Country LIKE @ContY

     AND CompanyName NOT LIKE @CompN

     AND Country NOT LIKE @ContN

    This would be fast and not too bad looking. 🙂