• The query below should do the trick. I don't know what day counts as "Media Start of Week" but I went with monday (isowk). Also, I don't know what you want if someone passed 1/10/2010 as the start date... Would the first record (assuming order by date) to be 1/4/2010 or 1/11/2010... my logic will return 1/4/2010.

    DECLARE @startDate AS date='1/10/2010',

    @endDate AS date='6/1/2011'

    SELECT @startDate=DATEADD(WEEK,-1,@startDate) -- lazy logic to handle the first week_start...


    tally(n) AS


    FROM master.dbo.spt_values),

    allDates AS

    (SELECTn, DATEADD(DAY,n,@startDate) as [date]

    FROM tally

    WHERE n<=DATEDIFF(DAY,@startdate,@endDate)),

    FilteredCalendar AS

    (SELECTn as spoon,

    [date] AS Media_Week_Start_Date,

    DATEPART(MONTH,([date])) AS Media_Month,

    DATEPART(isowk,([date])) AS Media_Week,

    DATENAME(M,([date])) AS Media_Month_Name,

    DATEPART(QUARTER,[date]) AS Media_Quarter,

    DATEPART(YEAR,[date]) AS Media_Year

    FROM allDates),

    top1 AS

    (SELECT TOP 2000000 RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Media_Week ORDER BY Media_Week_Start_Date) AS top1,*

    FROM FilteredCalendar

    ORDER BY Media_Week_Start_Date)

    SELECT--top1, n, --uncomment to tinker with the logic

    Media_Week_Start_Date, Media_Month, Media_Week, Media_Month_Name, Media_Quarter, Media_Year

    FROM top1

    WHERE top1=1 AND spoon>0

    ORDER BY spoon

    PS See Lowell's signature if you are wondering why I named the sort key "spoon".

    PS.PS... Take a look at that query plan... nice and linear :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001