• demonfox (3/21/2013)

    Dineshbabu (3/20/2013)

    Lokesh Vij (3/20/2013)

    db4breakfast (3/20/2013)

    I never use cascade delete on a production db. It seem to be safer by allowing users mark order as "error" instead.


    same here. i feel it is dangerous to use on delete cascade in production...as a mistake in deleting a parent records will trigger deletes from all the child records :w00t:

    Why are you allowing a person to delete who is prone to do mistake in production environment?????

    we should always try to avoid manual DML operations in production environment. Everything has to be done through application. If really required can do it with in BEGIN TRAN...

    I am not sure what he meant by that , but sometime because of some junk records , a delete may be carried out as a quick solution ..

    and why there is junk records ? It can happen .. but may be it's an update cascade scenario fix.. may be a delete and reload ...

    Edit :

    To be clear, we don't allow users to delete any record in our application. However there's a function for users to flag a record as error. Instead of cascade delete, the application just flag the record as "error" in the parent table. All data are still there.

    Hai Ton
    My Db4Breakfast blog.