• TheSQLGuru,

    I did not intend to spark a debate 🙂 but here are my responses.

    TheSQLGuru (3/19/2013)

    1) if you are worried with space, GUIDs have no place in your system.

    This statement is a little unsubstantiated. GUIDs are fine, sure they're larger than INT but they fulfull requirements that an INT cannot. For example we need to maintain uniqueness across servers. A GUID does this for us. Yes, they have drawbacks but I would not totally exclude them as an option because of them.

    TheSQLGuru (3/19/2013)

    2) why aren't you using NEWSEQUENTIALID??

    These do not provide uniqueness across tables, let alone across servers.

    TheSQLGuru (3/19/2013)

    3) Your PK on the parent does a clustered index on the NEWID, since you didn't specify one.

    Is this a question or a statement? Not sure what you're trying to communicate.

    TheSQLGuru (3/19/2013)

    4) You are fragmenting the heck out of your nc indexes on those GUIDs.

    Yes - this is very true. However most of the indexes are defragmented in under 30 seconds (most under 10 seconds) during our nightly maintenance.

    TheSQLGuru (3/19/2013)

    5) Did I mention that GUIDs SUCK yet?!? Oh, and for multiple systems, you can almost ALWAYS come up with a simple multi-part numeric arrangement that is guaranteed to be unique across all systems. I have used a tiny/smallint ServerID and integer identity construct at numerous clients to eliminate GUIDS they "HAD to have", always with GREAT effect.

    Ok, now you have my interest :). I wouldn't mind understanding your implementation.