• peter.griffin 45527 (3/19/2013)


    I hope this is the correct location for my question.

    I have written a simple piece of VBA to convert some data and save as a csv file which is then to be bulk instered into a database.

    I get the error 'Cannot bulk load because file "filename" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105).'

    When I copy the SQL string into SQL Studio is completes correctly and I have fully named the file and location or it. I have seen elsewhere on the forum similar issues which people put down to permissions, given the studio can complete the code without trouble that seems odd to me.

    Any ideas?

    Operating system error code 5 is usually permissions on the source, or the actual path really doesn't exist.

    my guess is that you are trying to call the vba via xp_cmdshell, right?

    The problem might be that when you access any resource OUTSIDE of SQL server, like network shares, local hard drives and folders,xp_cmdshell,b cp with a "trusted" connection, sp_OA type functions etc.

    it doesn't matter what YOUR credentials are. Whether you are Domain Admin,Local Admin , logged in as sa, administrative login on a laptop, etc, because SQL will not carry those credentials to the "outside of SQL" security context.

    if that is true, then xp_cmdshell is not running under the permissions you think it should be.

    here's a quick double check:

    DECLARE @Results table(

    ID int identity(1,1) NOT NULL,

    TheOutput varchar(1000))

    insert into @Results (TheOutput)

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'whoami' --nt authority\system for example

    insert into @Results (TheOutput)

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'cd %userprofile%' --NULL because nt authority\system is not a user...command fails.

    --check some specific file path:

    insert into @Results (TheOutput)

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dir \\Networkpath\Sharename\Subdirectory' --NULL

    select * from @Results


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