• Thank you Horatiu, mickyT, Erin Ramsay for your time and help.


    May you help me to trace your code on paper please?

    Im a newbie and im not sure how does it work.

    In my real table ID is NOT sequential. Thats why I tried to generate row number using ROW_NUMBER() function.

    First, I think you forget to write WHERE statement in anchor and you meant something like this:

    WITH CTE (ID,Value) AS




    FROM @valuestab

    WHERE ID = (SELECT MIN(ID) FROM @valuestab) --I guess you forget this line


    So your anchor should generate this output:



    1 | 19

    Now we must union anchor with second part of query until it satisfied all rows.

    At first run this condition b.ID +1 = a.ID change our table to this:



    1 | 19

    2 | 19 + 90

    Now it makes me confused. Once again we should check this condition b.ID +1 = a.ID

    Does it check this condition only on last row or it check it on all rows?

    If it check it on all rows it should generate this output:



    1 | 19

    2 | 19 + 90

    2 | 19 + 90 <-----surplus

    3 | 19 + 90 + 20

    I have problem with recursive statements, I know what is this, I know how we should write it.

    But I still have logical problem with its mechanism.

    Thank you for help.

    Computer Enterprise Masoud Keshavarz
    I don't care about hell.
    If I go there I've played enough Diablo to know how to fight my way out.