Home Forums SQL Server 2012 SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL SQL 2012 ERROR - The metadata could not be determined because statement contains dynamic SQL RE: SQL 2012 ERROR - The metadata could not be determined because statement contains dynamic SQL

  • dtibz01 (3/18/2013)The part that I find to be a little frustrating, is that the data types for the parameters defined for WITH RESULT SETS are defined elsewhere in the SP to begin with..... But I guess I'm just complaining. And probably still don't fully understand what the newer metadata gathering functionality actually buys (big picture). As it relates to me on this day though, it sucks.

    Let's take procedure sp_help.

    It returns different recordsets depending on if parameter is not supplied, if the name suapplied as parameter is a DB object or if it's a DB type.

    Very different resultsets.

    Now, how SSIS package suppose to know which of the data sets will be returned on any particular run?

    I know, you do not write procedures like that.

    But can they over there in Redmond really rely on it while designing a product?

    Code for TallyGenerator