• I managed to get this working with some tweaking. I used a derived column transform to create a field that concatenates the lookup fields with a semi colon delimeter. The expression was as follows:

    (ISNULL(F_CreationID) ? "" : F_CreationID) + ";" + (ISNULL(Ind_CreationID) ? "" : Ind_CreationID) + ";" + (ISNULL(ISWC_CreationID) ? "" : ISWC_CreationID) + ";" + (ISNULL(ISRC_CreationID) ? "" : ISRC_CreationID) + ";" + (ISNULL(ISAN_CreationID) ? "" : ISAN_CreationID) + ";" + (ISNULL(EAN_CreationID) ? "" : EAN_CreationID)

    I then script transfom. I the loaded the concatenated column into an array. I then deleted elements and checked if the elements were equal and then redirected outputs appropriately. The script was as follows.

    Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)


    ' Add your code here


    'Call is IsAlphaNumeric function to check if field contains only semi colons. If true then there is no match

    If IsAlphaNumeric(Row.concatCreationID) Then

    Dim vals() As String = Strings.Split(Row.concatCreationID, ";")

    'Creat an split sting by delimeter and load array

    Dim ListVals As List(Of String) = vals.ToList()

    'Load array contents to list. List is chosen so we can easily add and remore elements

    Dim g As Integer

    'remove non=empty elements from list

    For g = ListVals.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1

    If ListVals(g) = "" Then


    End If


    'If list contains only 1 item send it directl to Match output

    If ListVals.Count = 1 Then

    Row.MatchCreationID = ListVals(0)


    'If list contains more than 1 element and List check returns true i.e. elements are the same

    'direct row to Match output

    ElseIf ListVals.Count > 1 And Listcheck(ListVals) Then

    Row.MatchCreationID = ListVals(0)




    End If



    End If

    End Sub

    Public Function IsAlphaNumeric(ByVal strToCheck As String) As Boolean

    Dim pattern As Regex = New Regex("[^;*]")

    Return pattern.IsMatch(strToCheck)

    End Function

    Public Function Listcheck(ByVal ListToCheck As List(Of String)) As Boolean

    Listcheck = True

    For I As Integer = 0 To ListToCheck.Count

    If ListToCheck(0) <> ListToCheck(I) Then

    Listcheck = False

    Exit For

    End If


    End Function

    Seems to have done the trick. Many thanks for the help