Home Forums SQL Server 2012 SQL 2012 - General how to create user that can login to create and edit but cannot delete? RE: how to create user that can login to create and edit but cannot delete?

  • clintonG (3/16/2013)

    Here is one solution perhaps the best I've learned so far:

    // Transact-SQL

    REVOKE privilege_name

    ON object_name

    FROM {user_name |PUBLIC |role_name}

    // Example


    ON TransactionRecordsTable

    FROM employee

    REVOKE only clears the granted permission, a user may still obtain this via another role,etc.

    clintonG (3/16/2013)

    Disallow a specific User type the permission to DELETE any type of object in a specific database

    You could grant the user insert and update permission on the schema the objects reside in.

    clintonG (3/16/2013)

    including disallowing deleting the database itself.

    No need to fear here as this requires a high level of elevated privilege. The user must have at least CONTROL on the database or be a member of DB_Owner role or SYSADMIN role, as long as you're not granting this then that's fine.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉