• TheSQLGuru (3/15/2013)

    cryovenom: based on many things in your various posts you (and your company) REALLY REALLY need to do themselves a favor and get a good professional on board to help you get things set up optimally. You have made some VERY poor decisions so far, and if you continue down this path even if you get stuff working you will likely be very unhappy.

    As an aside I am simply astounded that you ponied up the cost for Enterprise Edition and then got such a crappy piece of hardware to run your SQL Server(s) on!!! My LAPTOP will process data MUCH better than that "server" you bought!!

    I realize that this is the internet, and that in all forums there's a tendency to make replies like this. But all your post does is denigrate my decisions, makes no attempt to educate me on which ones were bad and why, and also makes no attempt to help with the problem at hand. Then, for fun, it drives the point home with an exaggerated comparison and copious amounts of exclamation marks.

    Yes, I'm not an expert. Yes, my company and I may not have made all the right decisions. I would much prefer to learn what's wrong, why, what do to going forward, and even maybe get some help with the actual problem as opposed to reading the kind of unhelpful and negative post you just made.

    People aren't born experts, and often they get thrown into situations where they have to make decisions based on the information they can gather and the resources they have at hand. I came here to learn, troubleshoot, fix, and become better, not to be given crap.