• Steve Jones - SSC Editor (3/12/2013)

    paul.knibbs (3/7/2013)

    I think there's another possible reason to not want to work from home. Speaking personally, I like to keep home and work in their own separate compartments--I'll work from home if I absolutely have to, but I really don't like doing it. If I had a large enough house to set up a room specifically for home working then it might be different, but since I don't, I keep them apart.

    Perfectly valid, and a good reason. I'll tell you from my experience (and my wife), separating the two is hard. It's much harder to stop working than it is to get motivated to start.

    I love working from home, but I have experienced the need to learn when to stop.

    The other thing that I've run into is the expectation that I will be always available. I've had people call me late at night that wouldn't think of calling someone who worked in the office late.

    I've had to learn to manage expectations.

    It is a privilege. Because of that, I figure I should put in extra. But I've had to learn to set boundaries on myself and others.