• Eugene Elutin (3/11/2013)

    fmuzul (3/11/2013)


    Maybe you live in a different world than mine. For me the redeploy of an application is not a problem, I just need to replace a .exe file, and this can happen automatically also (as many modern applications do, checking for an update somewhere into the net). Updating the code of a stored procedure could be more uncomfortable.


    Or yes, I do, very different world, actually!

    The change deployment of systems I do usually work with, requires more than one .exe file replacement. They kind of consist of many of executables and DLL's ;-). Also, quite often changes related to system database (or quite often, databases) include not only change of some queries, but also database structural changes and data transformations. Therefore change deployment of database is still required (and better to be version controlled too).

    What exactly makes T-SQL code change in stored proc more uncomfortable then c++ or c# or any other code change in your application?

    If my application is used in different places, to update a s.p. I should connect to all servers to make the change. Sometime I don't have access to the server too.

    If I need to replace a .exe that can be automatically updated, I just need to place a .exe on the right place.

    Well, I could embed the script that updates the s.p. into the .exe, but a change to the .exe would be needed anyway.

    But, the most important thing, is that making the change in a C++ procedure let me use the full power of the C++ language. Can't be beaten by any T-SQL, PL-SQL or similar...

    I'm interested in being a master in C++ language, as with it I can solve many different types of problem, and I think I reached that level of mastership (but I know there's always something to learn...).

    I'm not interested in being a master in T-SQL or PL-SQL, as with them I can only solve problems about manipulating data in a relational database, and only from one of the many existing vendors !

    And, doing the change in the application code, the history of all changes made are saved in the source version control system, together with all the other changes to the application.