• But what is the XQuery '.' literal actually doing? Can I *assume* that since an empty string is sent to FOR XML PATH('') no root node name is created, and that the '.' argument in the XQuery is just looking at the unnamed root for its data?

    As a test, change your code to look like this and see if it makes more sense to see that the FOR XML piece of the query is actually returning an XML document.

    The .value is actually just picking up the contents of the root level node of that document, i.e. the '.' node, and casting it to a VARCHAR(MAX).

    , 'StorageLocation'



    SELECT ','

    + COALESCE('Rm: ' + lbr2.Room, '')

    + COALESCE(', Cab: ' + ll2.fkCabinet, '')

    + COALESCE(', Bin: ' + CAST(DecryptByKey(ll2.Bin) AS varchar(20)), '')

    + COALESCE(', Box: ' + CAST(DecryptByKey(ll2.Box) AS varchar(20)), '')

    + COALESCE(', ' + CAST(DecryptByKey(ll2.StartColumn) AS varchar(2))

    + CAST(DecryptByKey(ll2.StartRow) AS varchar(2)), '')

    + COALESCE(' --> ' + CAST(DecryptByKey(ll2.EndColumn) AS varchar(2))

    + CAST(DecryptByKey(ll2.EndRow) AS varchar(2)), '')


    dbo.tblLotLocation AS ll2


    dbo.tblLocationBldgRoom AS lbr2 ON lbr2.pkLocationBldgRoomId = ll2.fkLocationBldgRoomId


    ll2.fkItemLotId = od.fkItemLotId



    FOR XML PATH(''),



    edit: add quote

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.