• I read an article that said remote workers made up less than 3% of Yahoo's workforce. If Yahoo management thinks that 3% of workers not working in the office is even remotely responsible for their current problems they are crazy.

    If you are accountable for your productivity and complete all your work, you're a success. If you don't, you're not. It's that simple.

    Those of us who work in jobs where this is true are the lucky ones. I have worked jobs where the point seemed to be just being there NOT accomplishing anything. I hated them but my employers were happy because I was always there on time and worked my 10 hours.

    I would like to add one more point. Some jobs don't work well in an office setting. My dad works in IT and is the admin over a a bunch of Windows Servers. He has to essentially be on call 24-7 to respond to any problems with his servers and often has to do upgrades late at night. He could never be available to get all his work done if he had to be in an office to do all of it because of the hurry up and wait nature of what he does. He will often start a process on one of his servers then go off and do something around the house for the 40 minutes in takes to process. If he were working in an office this would be wasted time as the company would be paying him to wait for the server to work. Since he works from home and is salaried he simply works as much time as it takes to get his job done, when the work needs to be done.