• Hi and welcome to the forums. The best chance you have of people helping is if you first post ddl and sample data in a consumable format. Most people won't even bother with your post if you post an excel doc. I took the risk this time. I have formatted your data into something consumable to demonstrate what I mean.

    if object_id('tempdb..#PayData') is not null

    drop table #PayData

    create table #PayData


    Dept int,

    DeptDesc varchar(5),

    PayDate datetime,

    Pay numeric(7,2)


    insert #PayData

    select 006051, 'CNA', '2013-01-04', 18.53 union all

    select 006051, 'CNA', '2013-01-04', 19.16 union all

    select 003000, 'RN', '2013-01-04', 3.86 union all

    select 003100, 'LPN', '2013-01-04', 11.54 union all

    select 006051, 'CNA', '2013-01-04', 3.76 union all

    select 005410, 'RN', '2013-01-04', 16.44 union all

    select 003100, 'RN', '2013-01-04', 6.08 union all

    select 005410, 'RN', '2013-01-04', 12.81 union all

    select 805410, 'RN', '2013-01-04', 12.35 union all

    select 006051, 'CNA', '2013-01-04', 15.02 union all

    select 003000, 'LPN', '2013-01-04', 2.25 union all

    select 003100, 'LPN', '2013-01-04', 10.03 union all

    select 006051, 'CNA', '2013-01-04', 10.33 union all

    select 006051, 'CNA', '2013-01-04', 3.51 union all

    select 003000, 'RN', '2013-01-04', 11.91 union all

    select 006050, 'LPN', '2013-01-04', 3.53 union all

    select 806050, 'RN', '2013-01-04', 12.81 union all

    select 006031, 'R.N.', '2013-01-04', 49.86 union all

    select 006020, 'LPN', '2013-01-04', 5.67

    Now I think that this query will produce the results you are looking for but from the brief description it is hard to say for sure.

    select * from


    select case when DeptDesc in ('LPN', 'RN', 'R.N.') then 'Nurse' else DeptDesc end as DeptDesc,

    sum(Pay) over(partition by case when DeptDesc in ('LPN', 'RN', 'R.N.') then 'Nurse' else DeptDesc end ) as TotalPay

    from #PayData

    group by case when DeptDesc in ('LPN', 'RN', 'R.N.') then 'Nurse' else DeptDesc end, Pay


    group by DeptDesc, TotalPay


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    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
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