• Hi,

    sp_updatestats makes the statistics update on sampling max 20% of the data. For big tables AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS *does not* function well. In that case you'll need to enable trace flag 2371, but it will withdraw more recompilation of queries (you should experiment with this trace flag, the public thinking is positive on it). Additionally your database is big, and this flag could probably be of asset for your database.

    Rebuild automatically means update of the stats with FULLSCAN, so you don't need any kind of update stats for the rebuilt indexes.

    After REORGANIZE, it is better (if you have time,resources) to perform UPDATE with FULLSCAN. But if you do REORGANIZE on big indexes and then update their stats, then you'd better check the time for only REBUILD them regardless they have #frag<30%. You could make your algorithm here more flexible.



    Igor Micev,My blog: www.igormicev.com