• I use the RSS feed for the Most Recently Modified updates.

    The quantity of updates is large - I have over 300 unread in five days. At that rate it's hardly surprising Microsoft doesn't keep pace.

    I've flagged over 150 items as "Important" using Outlook's category. Updates to these get automatically "read" and get sorted in date order, so it's clear which items I'm NOT following are getting updates.

    As has been said, the volume of "bulk updates by Microsoft, status WON'T FIX" is horrifying. It is clear that "the voice of the people" isn't being listened to when items are being consistently voted up EVEN AFTER MS SAYS "NO!"

    Primary use: see if it's already noted as "broken". Vote up if so.

    Be cautious about offering suggestions - largely closed-no.

    Make sure your "Bug" issue is reproducible, with clear steps documented! If not, don't waste anyone's time!!!

    Perhaps the volume of "noise" can be reduced by applying some common sense from US, the User Community? Maybe that way Microsoft would take more notice...?

    Perhaps Microsoft would deign to give URLs to "where is the thing fixed!" This omission/laziness is probably the most peeving aspect after the arbitrary (it seems) "closed won't fix" fiasco.

    One distressing thing I see all to often: issues raised by "big name MVPs" are ignored as lightly as the "unknowns". This is very odd. I would consider the voice of an MVP, especially where the issue isn't a whim but a duly considered serious issue or suggestion, to be worth far more in the ear of Microsoft than is currently evidenced.

    Sure hope PJ Hough, CVP is up for making or promoting changes. If not, the RSS feed will be dropped and Connect relegated to "just one more not very useful site".

    Can't even give Microsoft a "nice try" for Connect as it stands - sorry...