Home Forums SQL Server 2012 SQL 2012 - General SSMS connection to SSIS with packages on remote MSDB server - is that even remotely possible? RE: SSMS connection to SSIS with packages on remote MSDB server - is that even remotely possible?

  • Fist, thank you all for your responses and insight, this is very helpful.

    In my setup, the licensing is not an issue, but its something i should keep in mind for the future.

    It seems like if i were to do a separate SSIS, i should just include the DBE dedicated for it. I'm also testing a similar setup with SSRS and its own DBE.

    At this point i'm exploring what's possible and for now the goals are to see what i can separate out to be able to see how each component consumes resources. The other side of this is to allow the DB users/developers to access the system only via the proper tools such as SSMS and VS/BIDS. The split up may be overkill, but I'm certainly learning things 🙂