Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Hierarchy example - Ken Henderson's book - not working RE: Hierarchy example - Ken Henderson's book - not working

  • But this works (a subsequent lesson)....and the only difference is the SELECT seq=IDENTITY(int). "This approach uses the IDENTITY() function with SELECT...INTO to add an identity column to the work table. It then uses this column to sort the result set when returning it." (K.H. p 245)

    select seq=identity(int), chartdepth=1, employee=o2.employee,


    into #org_chart

    from staff o1 join staff o2 on (o1.employee=o2.supervisor);

    while (@@rowcount > 0)


    insert #org_chart (chartdepth, employee, supervisor)

    select distinct o1.chartdepth+1, o2.employee, o1.supervisor

    from #org_chart o1 join #org_chart o2 on (o1.employee=o2.supervisor)

    where o1.chartdepth=(select max(chartdepth) from #org_chart)

    and o1.supervisor<>o1.employee


    select s.employee_name, supervises='supervises', e.employee_name

    from #org_chart o join staff s on (o.supervisor=s.employee)

    inner join staff e on (o.employee=e.employee)

    where o.supervisor<>o.employee

    order by seq

    Can anyone explain the reason K.H. may have shown one supposedly working example without the "SELECT seq=IDENTITY(int)" and one with?

    --Quote me