• Hi Craig

    I've had a go with your example data using the following and it appears to do what you require ... well the removing of empty tiers

    I hope it works for you and I haven't messed up your requirement

    ;with rcte as (

    select ParentId ID, null ParentID, 1 HLevel

    ,ParentID RootID

    ,null tier1ID

    ,null tier2ID

    ,null tier3ID

    ,null tier4ID

    ,null tier5ID

    from #RecursiveGroupFinding gp

    where not exists (select 1 from #RecursiveGroupFinding gc where gp.parentid = gc.childid)

    group by gp.Parentid

    union all

    select gc.ChildID, r.id, HLevel + 1

    ,RootID RootID

    ,case when hlevel = 1 then gc.ChildID else tier1ID end tier1ID

    ,case when hlevel = 2 then gc.ChildID else tier2ID end tier2ID

    ,case when hlevel = 3 then gc.ChildID else tier3ID end tier3ID

    ,case when hlevel = 4 then gc.ChildID else tier4ID end tier4ID

    ,case when hlevel = 5 then gc.ChildID else tier5ID end tier5ID

    from #RecursiveGroupFinding gc

    inner join rcte r on r.id = gc.parentid


    select Hlevel [tag], Case when HLevel - 1 = 0 then null else HLevel - 1 end [parent]

    ,case when Hlevel = 1 then GroupName else null end [RootLevel!1!GroupName]

    ,case when Hlevel = 2 then GroupName else null end [Tier1!2!T1GroupName]

    ,case when Hlevel = 3 then GroupName else null end [Tier2!3!T2GroupName]

    ,case when Hlevel = 4 then GroupName else null end [Tier3!4!T3GroupName]

    ,case when Hlevel = 5 then GroupName else null end [Tier4!5!T4GroupName]

    ,case when Hlevel = 5 then GroupName else null end [Tier5!6!T5GroupName]

    from rcte r

    inner join #GroupList g on r.id = g.groupid

    order by rootid, tier1ID, tier2ID, tier3ID, tier4ID, tier5ID

    for xml explicit

    Results with

    <RootLevel GroupName="Parent1">

    <Tier1 T1GroupName="Child1">

    <Tier2 T2GroupName="SubChild1">

    <Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing" />


    <Tier2 T2GroupName="Subchild2">

    <Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing" />



    <Tier1 T1GroupName="Child2">

    <Tier2 T2GroupName="Subchild3" />



    <RootLevel GroupName="Parent2">

    <Tier1 T1GroupName="Child1">

    <Tier2 T2GroupName="SubChild1">

    <Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing" />


    <Tier2 T2GroupName="Subchild2">

    <Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing" />



    <Tier1 T1GroupName="Child3" />
