• sorry for the delay as i am not in town.

    below is the code snippet. on an average this cursor has to generate around 90 files and this cursor runs every 15min.


    declare my_cursor CURSOR for

    select distinct WRS.f1 , WRS.c1 from tab2 WCB

    inner join tab1 WRS on WCB.c1=WRS.c1

    OPEN my_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor

    INTO @f1, @c1



    set @nvchProcedure = 'proc name'

    select @ts = convert(varchar, getdate(),112)+replace(convert(varchar, getdate(),108),':','') -- suffix the file name with datetimestamp

    select @ff1 = @f1 + @ts + '.psv'

    insert into tab3 (c1,f1,ff1)values (@c1,@f1,@ff1)

    SELECT @cmd = 'osql -S ' + @@servername +' -E -n -h-1 -w2500 -q "SET NOCOUNT ON EXEC ' + @HostDB + '.dbo.' + @nvchProcedure +' '''+@c1 +''''+',''''+'" -o "'+ @nvchFileLocation +@f1+@ts+'.psv'

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor

    INTO @f1, @c1


    CLOSE my_cursor

    DEALLOCATE my_cursor
