Home Forums Data Warehousing Integration Services IS 2008 Triggering an Excel Macro via Script Task - The Binary Code for the script is not found RE: IS 2008 Triggering an Excel Macro via Script Task - The Binary Code for the script is not found

  • Phil Parkin (2/28/2013)

    Debbie Edwards (2/28/2013)

    Elliott Whitlow (2/27/2013)

    I think the missing binary code is your clue. It often (usually?) means that there was a build error in your script. Open the script and check the error list. do a built explicitly and see what the output was.


    Somethings missing for definite but if I run it from Excel its fine. And when I run through IS thats the only error message I get. IIm not sure what you mean by build expicitly? Im guessing that means just running it via Integration services, through the script task?

    Sounds like you are trying to automate Excel from SSIS. You should know up front that Microsoft does not support this type of call from unattended server processes.

    You cannot call exactly the same script in SSIS as you developed inside Excel, unfortunately. The contexts in which the scripts run are different.

    Here is a link that may get you started.

    That makes sense. Ive scoured the internet to find the proper way of doing this but havent had any success. Did you say you had a good link for how to do this? I couldnt find one on this post?
