• Very interesting question, did not know until now... and I answered all correct with just mental work 🙂 and I can feel my confidence is somewhat kicking in back..

    (note : I know (and most of all know) collation is very important and each server/database/table or any object which is qualified for using collation has one by default whether or not we set it explicitly and result of the underlying task depends on it... I am not arguing that it must not be used or mentioned... but when the collation is not mentioned by the author in any qtod lets take it as the default say "Latin1_General_CI_AI"; mentioning the collation and its varied results in every qtod's reply is really... (dont know why it is bothering me...)... and i know now you all have a lot to say on this and like i said "i am not arguing here" its just the same replies to qtod.. kind of old gig now.. and I apologize if I offended anyone with this comment, it is not intentional; it is in general)

    ww; Raghu
    The first and the hardest SQL statement I have wrote- "select * from customers" - and I was happy and felt smart.