Home Forums Programming General column selection on dynamic basis RE: column selection on dynamic basis

  • Based on Stevens easy to use sample data (STRONG hint for future questions... 😉 ) here's my approach. The main difference is the "depending column" having a static header ("FaultType", similar to Stevens approach using three tables).

    The reasons why I wouldn't use one of Stevens approaches:

    a) dynamic SQL: I'm trying to avoid it where it's not absolutely required since it makes the code harder to read (especially if there are multiple quotes involved) and there's a risk of SQL injection that needs to be taken care of. @steven-3: I'd always use sp_executesql in such a scenario instead of exec().

    b) separaet tables combined in a union-based view: this concept violates normalization and would require additional table(s) if there are new fault types. I'd strongly vote against such a concept.


    WITH cte as






    , CASE WHEN @Response = 'FaultType1' THEN FaultType1

    WHEN @Response = 'FaultType2' THEN FaultType2

    WHEN @Response = 'FaultType3' THEN FaultType3

    END AS FaultType


    #TestTable AS t

    WHERE Year >= @Year


    SELECT * FROM cte

    WHERE FaultType>''


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