Home Forums Career Certification Whats the difference between the "Series" of exams, 070-461 v 072-461 v 073-461 RE: Whats the difference between the "Series" of exams, 070-461 v 072-461 v 073-461

  • sean hawkes (2/21/2013)

    I think this probably has something to do with if one is a college student or something

    That exactly it. Although I'm still not clear on the difference between the 072 and 073 exams the Prometric website says:

    If you belong to an academic institution, join the Microsoft IT Academy program, an alliance that provides students with a premium education on cutting-edge Microsoft technologies.

    I got that text from this site: https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/Microsoft/pages/landing.aspx