• huy1002 (2/20/2013)

    I was trying to dump data from a Temp table to 4 different tables (Computers, ComputerInfo, Vulnerabilities, and AuditInfo) in C# with different methods I created in classes.

    if (_NetBIOSName != string.Empty)


    //Only add the computers that are not existed in Computers table

    AddCompSucc = cc.AddComputer(_NetBIOSName, _IP);

    //add compputer's details

    CompId = cc.GetComputer(_NetBIOSName).ID;

    AddCompInfoSucc = cci.AddComputerInfo(CompId, _DNSName, _MAC, _OS, _NetBIOSDomain);

    //add vulneribilities

    AddIavSucc = ciav.AddIAVulnerability(CompId, _IAV, _Name, _AuditDate, 0);

    //add audit details

    IavId = ciav.GetIAVulnerability(CompId, _IAV, _Name, _AuditDate).ID;

    AddAuditInfoSucc = cai.AddAuditInfo(IavId, _AuditID, _AuditDate, _SevCode, _Risk, _PCILevel, _Exploit, _Context);


    In each method to insert data to tables, I used “if not exists…” statement to prevent duplicated data to be inserted.



    FROM Computers

    WHERE NetBIOSName = @NetBIOSName)



    INTO [dbo].[Computers]([NetBIOSName],

    VALUES (@NetBIOSName,@IP)


    Issue: it takes forever to insert data to 4 tables when the Temp database is big, like having 10000 rows.

    Any suggestion on how to do this differently to cut down the processing time.

    Very Respectfully,

    Define a PK constraint - or at least a unique index on NetBIOSName column, get rid of the "IF NOT EXIST" block, handle the duplicate key exception.

    Hope this helps.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.