• Hi

    I think you need some way to group the dates into quarters.

    I'll let someone else suggest the best method as I don't deal with dates frequently and wouldn't want to put wrong.

    Once that is done you should have no problems.

    This is a good article by Jeff Moden on pivots http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/

    Here is a method using NTILE to number the quarters.

    NOTE: This assumes that you have complete data for the year. (2 dates per quarter)

    ;with numberQuarters AS (

    select iSchoolYearCode

    ,NTILE(4) OVER (Partition By iSchoolYearCode ORDER BY dtCalendarDay ) QuarterNum




    from #temp1

    where iCalendarDatCategoryID in (15, 89)


    select iSchoolYearCode,

    MAX(CASE WHEN iCalendarDatCategoryID = 15 THEN dtCalendarDay ELSE NULL END) AS [Quarter Start Day],

    MAX(CASE WHEN iCalendarDatCategoryID = 89 THEN dtCalendarDay ELSE NULL END) AS [Quarter Grade Closing]

    from numberQuarters

    group by iSchoolYearCode, QuarterNum