• :-)I suspect the resolution was a combination of permissions I added. Prior to my initial posting I did try adding the Local Policy permissions and the SysAdmin Role to my service account.

    I then tried a repair on the SQL Install and that did fix the Full Text Search Service but it did not fix the Agent Service. I did discover though that I could get the service going if I added the service account to either the local admins or the SQLServerMSSQLUser$... group. So that got me searching for where I had permissions for that group.

    One thing that was missing for certain was permissions to the SQLAgent Logs. Prior to the install where I added Full Text Search the log files have the service account listed with full permissions. After the install this user was missing from the permissions list. Restoring that by itself did not remedy the problem. I also had to apply a registry hack mentioned in this post: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqldatabaseengine/thread/cb84d893-2989-48e5-bdae-ade9b1a7fd2d/

    There were some other file permissions I gave the account in the Data & Backup folders. (Service account did not have permissions to the tempdb or any of the bak or trn files. I'm not sure if these were needed.

    It is possible that the SQL 2008 SP1 may resolve it. I saw that mentioned in one of the posts I found.

    My symptoms were very similar to what is in this post: http://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/624656/sql-agent-starts-then-stop-after-sql-2008-installation

    The errors this user was seeing in the logs and when he tried to start the agent manually were exactly what I was seeing. Hope this post helps someone else.