Home Forums SQLServerCentral.com Editorials Are Triggers a "legacy" Feature? (Database Weekly, Nov 08 2008) RE: Are Triggers a "legacy" Feature? (Database Weekly, Nov 08 2008)

  • jfogel (2/19/2013)

    Lynn Pettis (2/19/2013)

    If documentation exists and you fail to read it, you have only yourself to blame. Just pointing out one of the possible reasons you may not know why a trigger exists.

    A properly designed database, with proper documentation will provide that information if one avails themselves to read it.

    Oh, someone once told me that yes, you can lead a horse to water and make them drink. Person who told me this happens to own horses.

    You keep using the word 'you' as if it were I that was unaware of the trigger. I assure you this isn't the case. In fact, the person who caused the problem was also the very same person who brought the initial issue to use that prompted the creation of the trigger to begin with. They were very much aware of its existence, how and why it worked, etc. They just plain forgot and the worst part is that this happened not years after the trigger was implemented but something like two days later. So, please, tone down the 'you' and perhaps replace it with 'they'.

    As to the horses.. I don't care.

    As for horses, you did mention them first.