• I saw the Dynamic pivot of the request and wrote this to pivot the data, its similar to dunstans, there are some simplifications optimisations that can be made like splitting the Date and Time parts into separate tables and that would remove the SELECT DISTINCT from the dynamic case build, I also think you can get rid of the LEFT(string, Lenf(String)-1) to remove the last comma, but its been a long day.


    Build working set




    CallDateTime DateTime

    ,HistId int


    Insert into #Hist

    VALUES ('2013-02-01 06:14:41.000',2671058)

    ,('2013-02-01 07:02:15.000', 2671057)

    ,('2013-02-01 07:06:41.000', 2671059)

    ,('2013-02-01 07:07:20.000', 2671069)

    ,('2013-02-01 07:22:57.000', 2671068)

    ,('2013-02-01 07:38:15.000', 2671067)

    ,('2013-02-01 07:42:48.000', 2671066)

    ,('2013-02-01 07:53:47.000', 2671065)

    ,('2013-02-01 08:02:37.000', 2671064)

    ,('2013-02-01 08:07:04.000', 2671063)

    ,('2013-02-01 08:11:09.000', 2671062)

    ,('2013-02-01 08:22:12.000', 2671061)

    ,('2013-02-01 08:22:48.000', 2671060)

    Insert into #Hist

    VALUES ('2013-02-02 06:14:41.000',2671058)

    ,('2013-02-02 09:02:15.000', 2671057)

    ,('2013-02-02 09:06:41.000', 2671059)

    ,('2013-02-02 09:07:20.000', 2671069)

    ,('2013-02-02 09:22:57.000', 2671068)

    ,('2013-02-02 09:38:15.000', 2671067)

    ,('2013-02-02 09:42:48.000', 2671066)

    ,('2013-02-02 07:53:47.000', 2671065)

    ,('2013-02-02 10:02:37.000', 2671064)

    ,('2013-02-02 11:07:04.000', 2671063)

    ,('2013-02-02 12:11:09.000', 2671062)

    ,('2013-02-02 12:22:12.000', 2671061)

    ,('2013-02-02 15:22:48.000', 2671060)

    Declare @StartDate Datetime = '01-Feb-2013 00:00:00.000'

    Declare @endDate Datetime = '03-Feb-2013 00:00:00.000'


    Create an Inline Tally Table


    ;with CTE




    Row_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY object_id) Rn

    from sys.all_columns



    Generate my intervals (can be changed!!)


    ,Cte_Interval AS



    DateAdd(minute,(rn-1)*30,@StartDate) StartTime

    , DateAdd(minute,(rn)*30,@StartDate) EndTime


    +convert(varchar(5),Convert(Time(0),DateAdd(minute,(rn)*30,@StartDate))) timepart

    ,convert(varchar(10),convert(date,DateAdd(minute,(rn-1)*30,@StartDate))) datep


    from CTE

    Where DateAdd(minute,(rn)*30,@StartDate)<=@EndDate



    Build the data set to group into time slice


    Select datep


    ,rn % 48 Modulous

    ,count(histId) TotalCalls

    into #prepivot

    from Cte_Interval inter

    LEFT JOIN #Hist hist on hist.CallDateTime >=inter.StartTime

    and hist.CallDateTime<inter.EndTime

    group by timepart,datep,rn

    order by datep,timepart


    Get ready to build the dynamic pivot


    Declare @dm_ct varchar(max)

    Declare @pvt varchar(4000)


    build dynamic CASE for use in pivot using a for XML


    Select @pvt=(Select 'SUM(CASE WHEN modulous=' +convert(varchar(2),modulous) +' Then TotalCalls' +' Else 0 END) AS ['+timepart+'], '


    (Select distinct timepart,Modulous

    from #prepivot) x

    FOR XML PATH(''))


    build final Select


    Set @dm_ct='Select Datep,'+ Left(@pvt,len(@pvt)-1)+ 'FROM #prepivot GROUP BY DAtep'


    Execute dynamic SQL


    EXEC (@dm_ct)


    Clean up


    Drop Table #Hist

    Drop Table #PrePivot

    Edited : added comments.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices