• Ok,

    This is what we did.

    Package scoped variable intIsGoodToGo (Int32)

    For-loop with Eval Expression of 1==1 to keep the package constantly running

    Konesans File Watcher looks for the file to arrive or change (we also have it set to check on start up) On detection of a change

    Data Flow Task:

    Flat file source which is the status file we were monitoring

    Conditional Split: The file contains one column which we called status. CS has two output streams 'Success' with a condition of Status == "Build Success" and 'Not Success' with a condition of Satus != "Build Success"

    The Success stream goes to a rowcount destination which puts the rowcount into intIsGoodToGo. In our case the result will be either 0 or 1 because the file will only ever contain one line

    Precedence Contstraint from the dataflow task on task Success and Expression of @intGoodToGo == 1

    The package then processes until the termination point then the for-loop evaluation kicks in and waits for the next appearance of the file. The last task before termination is to delete the file being watched for (in our case the source application will re-create it if it does not exist)

    Hope this is helpful to someone.