• You could use and EXISTS in you case statement rather than an =

    Not sure if I've got you logic right, but something like the following

    -- Some Test Data

    ;with Fact as (

    SELECT *

    FROM (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)) AS Fact(VisitID)


    , Error as (

    SELECT *

    FROM (VALUES (1,'a'), (3,'w also has another'), (3,'a'), (4, 'w just this one'), (5,'a')) AS Error(VisitID, [Message])


    -- The Query

    SELECT f.VisitID, CASE

    WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM Error e WHERE e.visitID = f.visitID and [Message] not like 'w%') THEN 'false'

    ELSE 'true'


    FROM Fact f