• Please do reflect on this:

    Let's be creators

    not prbolem solvers.

    This means not even considering that we are solution providers - because having a solution implies a problem has to be solved.

    Rather what do we wnat to create.

    Within a family stting what sort of family culture do we watn to create.

    In an organisation, what are we creating?

    Compare that to what are we trying to solve!

    Solving something is a smaller viewpoint.

    If an organisation is actually doing soemthing useful, that that is what we are a part of. We are part of the creation of that something. The myriad issues that need to be resolved are because of the requirement to create something that would otherwise not exist.

    Let's see ourselves as part of a grander, more purposeful existence that just solving hundereds of problems. The problems are needing to be resolved because someone had an idea to bring into existence, to create a useful thing.