• Perry Whittle (2/13/2013)

    Jason Shadonix (2/13/2013)

    Right...but the mere fact that you have to type in slightly different syntax to attach a database isn't by itself an argument to stop detatching and attaching databases. Not sure why you keep zeroing in on that.

    You're the one who keeps zeroing in on syntax not me, you're missing the whole point of the article with your blind devotion to an ancient stored procedure. You dont have to detach the db or stop the sql server service to move the data files as i have seen suggested many times before on the forums.

    You cant just detach a mirrored or replicated db and as already mentioned or linked things like service broker, owner and backup history meta are lost.

    You're missing the point of my question...I was trying to get you to tell me something besides the syntax change as a reason for using your method. You did (finally). So I'm good. Not sure why you think I'm "blindly devoted" to that stored procedure. I don't use it anymore and haven't for years. All I did was point out that the fact that we can't use it anymore was NOT an argument for changing methodology. The other points you later made are good points though, so I did get something out of it.

    The Redneck DBA