• Michael Valentine Jones (2/11/2013)

    ScottPletcher (2/11/2013)

    ScottPletcher (2/11/2013)


    I haven't been in any business that worked with dates before 1900, but if yours did, then that would be a relevant concern for you. Besides, we frequently use smalldatetime here, so no dates before 1900 would be valid anyway. I'm thinking the odds of a smalldatetime being used are vastly greater for most people than needing a date before 1900...

    It's true that dates before 1900 are rare in most applications, but it's no more work to code '17530107' than to code '19000107', so there is no real advantage to using '19000107' and for a public forum, I prefer the more general solution.

    Not true: there's one HUGE advantage to 19000101 and later: code with smalldatetimes abend when using dates before 19000101.

    So I'm supposed to use different base dates depending on data type? Nope, not me. I want to be able to change a column from datetime to smalldatetime w/o abending tons of code just from that change.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.