• I saw that the the CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO #Table would conflict therfore running it as one batch (as stated in the Question) would error the whole statement regardless of the GO commands being there or not being there.

    The results are the same if you run the whole query as one batch with or without the 'GO' commands.

    Therfore the Answer


    Only the 1st and 3rd statement will succeed but no rows will be returned.


    is wrong!

    And the Correct answer should be.


    All statements will fail.


    If You run the whole query as 1 Batch (as stated!)

    If however, you were asked to run the three independantly in the same Query window then the right answer would be.


    Only the 1st and 3rd statement will succeed but no rows will be returned.


    Poorly wrote question and needs correcting. (oh and give me the point for a correct answer :-D:-P)


    United Kingdom

    If at first you don't succeed, go to the pub and drink away your current thought plan.