• Awesome QtoD, thank you Steve.

    (was thinking if the 4th option will come true in future versions, would be cool, and then thought again.. setting auto to everything is not a acceptable way to go, but it would be a nice feature and a lot to consider before really using it

    Using "schemabinding" and "select *" ... I do not feel comfortable using it.. i create VIEW with the specifying column names, and if needed, then alter the view to suit the new needs and modify the code to the new adjustments. Earlier i had views with select * in one of the web projects and then later I changed them to the column specifics.. and by doing that whenever it is needed I kind of gained control over the objects by knowing which object needs modification and which doesn't and i was knowing each and every VIEW object which are the tables it refers.)

    ww; Raghu
    The first and the hardest SQL statement I have wrote- "select * from customers" - and I was happy and felt smart.