• pawan_rb (2/3/2013)

    I have two tables. One has records for transactions, another has records for purchased products. Transaction table has TransactionID, TotalAmount, TransactionDate. The purchasedProducts table has ProductID and TransactionID. Each transaction can have multiple products that are purchased. Products table has Product ID, Product Name and Price.

    Now, how do I get a report so that I get transaction details in following format:

    Transaction ID-------TransactionDate---ProductName------TotalAmount

    1-------------------- 01/18/2012-------Product A---------500

    ---------------------------------------Product B

    ----------------------------------------Product C

    2--------------------01/25/2012--------Product X---------800

    3--------------------01/30/2012--------Product Y---------1000

    ----------------------------------------Product Z

    And so on...

    If you are working on SSRS reporting ; then create a simple inner join for the dataset , then design Grouping sets for the columns ...I guess what you are looking for in this one would be Drill Down reports .

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm: