• OK, i put an underscore inside every HTML tag. This is what the field looks like. I need to find the first customer entry, including the HTML tags at the beginning and end. In the case below, it would be

    <_BR>20:32:31 [Marina Galofaro] What is the mailing address to mail a check? <_BR>

    I will determine whether it is the customer or not by comparing the value between the [] to a value on another table via join on an ID on this table to an ID on that table. (see original post).

    SELECT '<_BR>20:32:12 [Rachel] Thank you for contacting Scholastic. How may I assist you?<_BR><_BR>20:32:31 [Marina Galofaro] What is the mailing address to mail a check? <_BR><_BR>20:32:49 [Rachel] Im happy to provide you with the mailing address.<_BR><_BR>20:33:22 [Marina Galofaro] O kay, Thank you. <_BR><_BR>20:33:28 [Rachel] One moment please while I provide a link with directions to mail your payment.<_BR><_BR>20:34:05 [Rachel] Please click <_a href="http://scholastic.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1050/kw/payment" target="_blank">here<_/a> to view how to mail a payment.<_BR><_BR>20:35:07 [Rachel] Is there anything else I can help with, Marina? <_BR><_BR>20:35:56 [Marina Galofaro] No, Thank you!<_BR><_BR>20:36:00 [Marina Galofaro] Session Disconnected<_BR><_BR>' as TextHTML