• Ok, I admit, I have no idea what this is doing.

    I tweaked the code to what i thought would work (note that i added the WHERE ID = 6831908 just to limit to one row for testing)

    But I get nothing back. Also, i do need to include the HTML tags before and after the first chat line from the customer.

    WITH Transcript (message) AS (

    SELECT TextHTML FROM Actions WHERE ID = 6831908),

    Operators (FirstName) AS (

    SELECT FirstName FROM Actions A INNER JOIN Users U on A.Agent = U.ID WHERE A.ID = 6831908)

    SELECT message, FirstName

    ,operator=LEFT(operator, CHARINDEX(']', operator)-1)

    ,CHARINDEX(']', operator)

    ,TextOfMessage=LTRIM(RIGHT(operator, LEN(operator)-CHARINDEX(']', operator)))

    FROM Transcript


    SELECT SUBSTRING(message, CHARINDEX('[', message)+1, LEN(message))

    ) a(operator)

    LEFT JOIN Operators ON LEFT(operator, CHARINDEX(']', operator)-1)=FirstName

    WHERE FirstName IS NULL