• Did you try this ?

    SELECT distinct


    , vs.volume_id

    , vs.logical_volume_name

    , vs.file_system_type

    , vs.total_bytes / 1048576 AS 'MBTotal'

    , vs.available_bytes / 1048576 AS 'MBAvailable'

    , CAST( 1.00 * vs.available_bytes / vs.total_bytes * 100 as decimal(5,2) ) as pctFree

    , vs.supports_compression

    , vs.supports_alternate_streams

    , vs.supports_sparse_files

    , vs.is_read_only

    , vs.is_compressed

    FROM [sys].[master_files] AS f

    CROSS APPLY [sys].[dm_os_volume_stats]([f].[database_id], [f].[file_id]) AS vs

    ORDER BY [vs].[logical_volume_name] ;

    Of course, this will only provide information about drives to which the sqlinstance has databases allocated.


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