• SteveEClarke (1/28/2013)

    I have managed to answer my own question - through a little digging -

    Using the DELETED table as the before data.

    New Trigger;

    ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[trgGenMasterUpdate]

    ON [dbo].[GenMaster]





    insert into GenMasterUpdates (GlCode, Action, Before, After )

    select INSERTED.GlCode, 'UPDATE', DELETED.Description, INSERTED.Description

    from INSERTED join GenMaster on INSERTED.GlCode = GenMaster.GlCode

    join DELETED on INSERTED.GlCode = DELETED.GlCode


    Assuming you have some way of knowing when the update is made (like a datetime column for UpdateDate) you really don't need the After data. The after data will be in the next audit row (assuming you order them), if there is no previous row the next value will be what is currently in the table. This will cut your auditing storage in half. 🙂


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