• It can also be quite helpful to look at your cached execution plans to see which queries/procedures have inadequate query plans, this can be found by running the code belowSELECT

    DB_NAME(st .dbid),

    [cp] .[refcounts],

    [cp] .[usecounts],

    [cp] .[objtype], --,[st].[dbid]


    OBJECT_NAME(st .objectid),

    [st] .[text],

    [qp] .[query_plan]

    FROM sys .dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp

    CROSS APPLY sys. dm_exec_sql_text(cp .plan_handle) AS st

    CROSS APPLY sys. dm_exec_query_plan(cp .plan_handle) AS qp

    WHERE [st]. [dbid] IN (7, 12,13 ,15)

    AND [st].[text] NOT LIKE '%sp_M%'

    AND [st]. [text] NOT LIKE '%sys%'

    --AND cp.objtype = 'adhoc'

    ORDER BY usecounts DESC If tables aren't being used by any query(ies), then having indexes on them is really overkill and ends up just consuming valuable server resources...not to mention adds extra time to any indexing strategy you may have in place.

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience