• Hi,

    This solution is similar like other posts. this one is not very efficient but it's enough to solve the problem.

    --goal: Output CombYr = 3/4/5

    --Input: BegYr int, EndYr int

    --assume inputs are valid. and year is 4-digit format. and EndYr - BegYr <= 10

    DECLARE @BegYr INT = 2010, @EndYr INT = 2020;

    DECLARE @YrDiff SMALLINT, @CurrentYr SMALLINT, @CombYr VARCHAR(250)= '';

    SET @YrDiff = @EndYr - @BegYr; --difference btw start and end year

    SET @CurrentYr = CAST(SUBSTRING(CAST(@BegYr AS CHAR(4)),4,1) AS SMALLINT); --last digit of current year

    WHILE @YrDiff >= 0


    IF @YrDiff = 0

    SET @CombYr = @CombYr + CAST(@CurrentYr AS VARCHAR(3));


    SET @CombYr = @CombYr + CAST(@CurrentYr AS VARCHAR(3))+ '/';

    SET @YrDiff = @YrDiff - 1;

    SET @CurrentYr = @CurrentYr + 1;


    SELECT @CombYr AS CombinedYearOuput; --output result

    Hai Ton
    My Db4Breakfast blog.