Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General Calculating Median, Max, Min, Lower Quartile and Upper Quartile for a Boxchart? RE: Calculating Median, Max, Min, Lower Quartile and Upper Quartile for a Boxchart?

  • Well, definitely not the prettiest thing I've ever written, but it at least works with the data you have. I have no idea how it would scale on a much larger dataset. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

    with yearCounts as


    select DATEPART(year, CourseDate) CourseYear, COUNT(*) GradeCount

    from EStats

    group by DATEPART(year, CourseDate)


    qOrder as


    select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by y.CourseYear order by e.Grade) rn

    from EStats e

    join yearCounts y on y.CourseYear = DATEPART(year, e.CourseDate)


    select q.CourseYear

    , SUM(case when q.GradeCount % 2 = 1 then case when q.rn = (q.GradeCount+1)/2 then q.Grade else 0 end

    else case when q.rn in ((q.GradeCount/2),(q.GradeCount/2)+1) then convert(decimal(4,1), q.Grade)/2 else 0 end end) Median

    , SUM(case when q.rn = q.GradeCount then q.Grade else 0 end) [Max]

    , SUM(case when q.rn = 1 then q.Grade else 0 end) [Min]

    , SUM(case when q.GradeCount % 2 = 1 then case when ((q.GradeCount - 1)/2) % 2 = 1 then

    case when q.rn = (((q.GradeCount-1)/2)+1)/2 then q.Grade else 0 end

    else case when q.rn in ((((q.GradeCount-1)/2)/2),(((q.GradeCount-1)/2)/2)+1) then convert(decimal(4,1), q.Grade)/2 else 0 end end

    else case when (q.GradeCount/2) % 2 = 1 then case when q.rn = ((q.GradeCount/2)+1)/2 then q.Grade else 0 end

    else case when q.rn in (((q.GradeCount/2)/2),((q.GradeCount/2)/2)+1) then convert(decimal(4,1), q.Grade)/2 else 0 end end end) LowerQ

    , SUM(case when q.GradeCount % 2 = 1 then case when ((q.GradeCount - 1)/2) % 2 = 1 then

    case when q.rn = q.GradeCount - ((((q.GradeCount-1)/2)+1)/2) + 1 then q.Grade else 0 end

    else case when q.rn in (q.GradeCount - (((q.GradeCount-1)/2)/2) + 1,q.GradeCount - ((((q.GradeCount-1)/2)/2)+1) + 1) then convert(decimal(4,1), q.Grade)/2 else 0 end end

    else case when (q.GradeCount/2) % 2 = 1 then case when q.rn = q.GradeCount - (((q.GradeCount/2)+1)/2) + 1 then q.Grade else 0 end

    else case when q.rn in (q.GradeCount - ((q.GradeCount/2)/2) + 1,q.GradeCount - (((q.GradeCount/2)/2)+1) + 1) then convert(decimal(4,1), q.Grade)/2 else 0 end end end) UpperQ

    from qOrder q

    group by q.CourseYear