Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Indexed Views - why don't they improve performance?!!!! RE: Indexed Views - why don't they improve performance?!!!!

  • lestatf4 (1/23/2013)

    select c.Reference, mc.MPAN,ElementID,MONTH(hhdatetime) mm,YEAR(hhdatetime) yy

    from CONTRACTS.MPAN_Contract mc

    join CONTRACTS.ContractElementUnitInstance ui

    on mc.ContractID = ui.ContractID

    join CONTRACTS.Contract c

    on ui.ContractID = c.id

    and ui.ElementID in (2,3,4)

    join CONTRACTS.CalendarAllHH cal

    on cal.HHDatetime between ui.Startdate and ui.Enddate

    and cal.HHDatetime between mc.startdate and mc.enddate

    group by c.Reference, mc.MPAN,ElementID,MONTH(hhdatetime),YEAR(hhdatetime)

    Do you have appropriate indxes on all tables (ON and AND clause involve ) in above query ?

    Have you seen the exec plan of this query too ? also there is less chance that there would be optimal use of indexes as LEFT based column "ElementID" is not involve on your view Where clause.

    There will be scan, NO seek ?

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)