Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Indexed Views - why don't they improve performance?!!!! RE: Indexed Views - why don't they improve performance?!!!!

  • Here is the script, is should return a years worth of data from @month and @year.

    Surely the column order in the query is irrelevant to the optimizer?

    create view withClusteredIdx

    with schemabinding


    select c.Reference, mc.MPAN,ElementID,MONTH(hhdatetime) mm,YEAR(hhdatetime) yy

    from CONTRACTS.MPAN_Contract mc

    join CONTRACTS.ContractElementUnitInstance ui

    on mc.ContractID = ui.ContractID

    join CONTRACTS.Contract c

    on ui.ContractID = c.id

    and ui.ElementID in (2,3,4)

    join CONTRACTS.CalendarAllHH cal

    on cal.HHDatetime between ui.Startdate and ui.Enddate

    and cal.HHDatetime between mc.startdate and mc.enddate

    group by c.Reference, mc.MPAN,ElementID,MONTH(hhdatetime),YEAR(hhdatetime)

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [idxTest] ON [dbo].[withClusteredIdx]


    [ElementID] ASC,

    [mm] ASC,

    [MPAN] ASC,

    [Reference] ASC,

    [yy] ASC

    ) go

    select Reference,mpan

    from mpanContractMMyyCache

    where yy between @YEAR and @YEAR + 1

    and ((mm >= @MONTH and yy = @YEAR) or (mm <= @MONTH and yy = @YEAR + 1))