• Eric M Russell (1/21/2013)

    Customer contact information is an example of where an entity-attribute-value model makes sense. The design is simple, efficient, and can be easily extended to support any type of contact, wether it be G.O.T. style messenger ravens or yet to be defined holograms.

    create table Customer_Contact


    primary key clustered ( Customer_ID, Contact_Type ),

    Customer_ID int not null,

    Contact_Type char(2) not null,

    Contact_Code varchar(8000) not null


    PH = Home Phone

    PC = Cell Phone

    PW = Work Phone

    PA = After Hours Phone

    PP = Primary Phone

    PS = Secondary Phone

    PE = Emergency Phone

    EC = Personal Email

    EW = Work Email

    EP = Primary Email

    34592 PH 555-381-0922

    34592 PC 555-381-8111

    34592 PW 555-576-0542

    34592 PP 555-576-0542

    34592 EC customer34592@gmail.com

    34592 EP customer34592@gmail.com

    Personally I would have a PhoneContactPoint table and an EmailContactPoint table

    CREATE TABLE PhoneContactPointType(

    PhoneContactPointTypeID SMALLINT NOT NULL


    PhoneContactPointType VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

    CONSTRAINT UQ_PhoneContactPointType UNIQUE,

    CONSTRAINT CK_PhoneContactPointType CHECK(LEN(PhoneContactPointType)>0)


    CREATE TABLE PhoneContactPoint (

    CustomerID INT NOT NULL

    CONSTRAINT FK_PhoneContactPoint_Customer FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Customer_Contact(CustomerID)

    PhoneContactPointTypeID SMALLINT NOT NULL

    CONSTRAINT FK_PhoneContactPoint_PhoneContactPointType FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES PhoneContactPointType(PhoneContactPointTypeID),

    TelephoneNumber VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT PK_PhoneContactPointType PRIMARY KEY (TelephoneNumber ,PhoneContactPointTypeID )


    Ditto EmailContactPoint.

    You could even generalise EmailContactPoint to InternetContactPoint if you wanted blog sites and Twitter details